I've been on a bit of a virtual spree over the last few days. Mainly because the weather has been too depressing to venture into the actual shops, and online shopping is way too easy for its own good! I might have got slightly carried away though and visited quite a few different virtual stores. I tried to be strict with myself and, in some of the shops, managed to keep my virtual basket empty! (slightly proud!)
So in the end, I’m just waiting for deliveries from ASOS, Amazon/Sleek make-up, and The Body Shop. Not bad for a couple of evenings browsing!
But now there’s the added anticipation of it arriving, the excitement checking behind the door every time I arrive home, the eager anticipation of a brown parcel or a plastic package…
My letterbox and doormat are looking decidedly empty… |
When I finally receive my shopping, it’ll definitely beat all the bills and junk mail I get… and it’s a great way to stave off the January blues.
I just wanted to share my excitement… Fingers crossed it will all arrive soon!
Amelia xx
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